There's been a lot of chit-chat in Bangor in recent years concerning what to do about Pickering Square. Sure, you hear all the stories about drug use, fights, and all the negative stuff. But often, folks forget that Bangor's bus system serves the entire greater Bangor area. So it's a service that should be invested in.

Out with the old, in with the new.

According to, Bangor is well into the planning stages of a new transit hub in Pickering Square. It will be a 2200+ square foot, single story building, which will feature many new amenities to make the transportation destination a much more positive experience for folks who regularly use the bus.

It will have heat and air conditioning, outdoor shelters, an enclosed waiting area, public bathrooms, and will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. It will also have a break room for drivers, private restrooms for staff, as well as interactive kiosks with information about route schedules.

A much needed change.

There's been much controversy over the years about Pickering Square. It's evident everywhere on social media, and anecdotally, it's an area that has caused a lot of divisive opinions. So improving the quality of the landscape in that area might just be the ticket.

Other people will likely be skeptical, and assume the changes will just be a spit-shine on an area of town a lot of folks won't even go near. There are stories of fights, rampant drug use/dealing that is hardly concealed from the public, and even stories of racism... which have led to some of the public fights people complain about.

Only time will tell if this change will be enough of a positive catalyst in that part of town. Lord knows, the Bangor area desperately needs public transportation. At least now, there's something to look forward to. Work will begin on the project this summer.

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