Bob talks about cross-country snowmobile racing and bear rehabilitation in the latest installment of Bob Duchesne's Wild Maine.

Part 1: Listen to Bob talk with Tom McCormick from the Moosehead Riders Snowmobile Club about the upcoming Maine 100 cross country snowmobile race in Greenville:

Part 2: Eric Frigon talks about USCC East cross-country snowmobile racing in Parlin, Madawaska and Greenville:

Part 3: Bob Duchesne presents "Waltzes with Bears." as Randy Cross of Maine Department of Inland Fish & Wildlife talks bears and bear hunting with a group from Maine Audubon:

Part 4: Maine has more bears than any state east of the Mississippi. But it's not all roses, says Cross, who explains the problems with having too many bears:

Part 5: Dawn Brown with Second Chance Wildlife, Inc, talks about the process of rehabilitating bears in her New Sharon facility:

If you missed any of Bob Duchesne's Wild Maine, click the button below to view past programs:






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