Dave Peck’s: A few good movies
Dave Peck, former Co-Host of The Morning Roast, is now a weekly contributor. When he came into our lives he had a limited film watching history. Over the past two years we have watched... as he watched.
Dave now knows who ordered the Code Red and that those two Youts were in fact innocent, among many other pieces of pop culture knowledge he now holds. We are now 50 movies into Dave's foray reviewing and will embark on the second half of our journey to make it to 100.
In the days ahead we will ask you the listener to help guide us on what is next. Our prerequisites are as follows: movies with a POP-cultural significance from the 80s and 90s with occasional trips to the 70s and 2000s. This is a subjective endeavor and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as you can see from some of Dave's takes. Help us help him. Thank you. #AFewGoodMovies
If you have suggestions for what Dave should watch next, message the show directly using the 92.9 The Ticket App, or message The Ticket pages on Facebook and Twitter (X).
Dave Peck’s movie review list to date. (5.0 means he would recommend it)
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