10 Tips to Help You Prepare for the Solar Eclipse in Maine
The first total solar eclipse that we've seen in Maine since 1963 will be here on Monday, April 8, 2024. Totality will only be visible in a relatively small path that is 115 miles wide in the northern part of Maine, but a partial eclipse will be visible in all of Maine.
The hype train for this eclipse is running full steam ahead as thousands of people are converging on Houlton, Maine, to see this once-in-a-lifetime event. The eclipse begins about 2 p.m. and will last for approximately 2.5 hours, with the total eclipse at approximately 3:20 p.m. for three minutes of total darkness.
Maine is one of just thirteen states where the total solar eclipse will be visible. Vermont and New Hampshire will also see totality in the right areas.
The State of Maine has put together a list of things you should do to make your viewing of the solar eclipse the best it can be, if you are traveling to Houlton to see the eclipse in totality
Get ISO-certified eclipse glasses
Looking directly at the sun is damaging to your eyes. Make sure you get eclipse glasses.
Plan primary and backup travel routes ahead of time
Traffic will be heavy, with the crowd doubling the population of Houlton.
Make any necessary travel accommodations now
You're probably too late for this one. Hotels are booked solid, so hopefully you have friends or family who live in Houlton.
Bring a paper map
Time to go old-school. With all those people in Houlton trying to stream the eclipse their followers, cell service could be overloaded, and your map software may not work.
Research places to obtain fuel and supplies near or at your travel destination
Gas stations aren't as common in the rural areas of The County as other places, so find a place you can plan to gas up ahead of time.
Get permission before going on privately-owned land
Don't go on private property. Just don't.
Know that Maine State Park campgrounds and ATV trails will be closed
Plan as if you will get stuck in traffic. Be patient, and pack plenty of snacks and water
Planning to stay overnight on Monday is a great way to avoid traffic
Pay attention to the forecast, and plan to dress accordingly
Keep in mind that the temperature will drop as much as 10 degrees during the eclipse.
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