Blowing snow and slippery roads are causing some cancellations and early closures across the region.

Roads are starting to get slippery and the blowing snow is making visibility challenging, at times. So some organizations have decided to cancel activities or close early. Here's our list so far:


  • All Saints Catholic School - no after school activities
  • AOS 91 - after school activities are canceled
  • Ellsworth School Dept - all after school activities and adult ed classes canceled
  • MDI Schools - all after school activities are canceled
  • Milford School Department - No after school activities
  • RSU 24 - after school activities canceled
  • University of Maine at Machias - closing at 2:00
  • Washington County Community College - closing at 2:00


  • Bar Harbor Town Office - closing at 3
  • Mystic Tie Grange Bingo - canceled
  • Southwest Harbor Town Office - closing at 3
  • Trenton Selectmen's Meeting - postponed to Wednesday at 7 p.m.

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