92.9 The Ticket Presents: The 2018 Sports Hero’s Award
Sports Radio 92.9 The Ticket and Hero’s Sports Grill & Entertainment Center once again will honor those people who have made a difference through their volunteerism in community sports. Examples could include someone who has been a longtime volunteer coach, a person who has volunteered time caring for fields, gyms or rinks, or longtime volunteer umpire, referee or scorekeeper.
Who Can Receive an Award ?
- Any citizen in eastern Maine who has made a positive contribution to a community sports organization through their volunteer efforts. Examples include volunteers who coach, ground crew worker, scorer/timer, game official, concessions, fundraiser.
How Do I Nominate Someone ?
- Nomination forms are available here.
- Anyone, except 92.9TheTicket and Hero’s Sports Grill employees, can submit a nomination.
Selection Process & Awards Info?
- A select committee of will review all nominations and will award up to three winners.
- Award winners and their family/friends will be invited to an awards luncheon at Hero’s Sports Grill in November.
Nomination Deadline: Friday, October 12, 2018.