MPA Delays Start of Spring Sports Pre-Season Until April 27
The Maine Principals' Association conveyed to schools on Friday, March 13 that the start of the spring high school sports pre-season will be delayed until April 27.
The email to the principals is below:
"Good Morning,
As you all know, implications from the Corona Virus have hit Maine. This being said, we have been in contact with the Maine CDC, DOE, Governor’s office, and other health agencies in regards to the best way to provide services that people need while keeping them safe.
Yesterday, Governor Mills had a press conference stating that they are encouraging “Social Distancing.” By her definition, “social distancing” means groups of 250 or more people attending non-essential events should be delayed or postponed.
Because of this, the MPA Board of Directors and Interscholastic Management Committee voted today, March 13, 2020 to delay the start of the 2020 Spring sports pre-season practice until April 27, 2020. We will continue to monitor the situation and will make the appropriate changes as needed to ensure the safety of all students."
The coronavirus pandemic has caused universities and colleges throughout the nation to send students home as well as the cancellation or postponement of many public events, including major sporting events such as the National Basketball Association season, the Major League Baseball season and the NCAA basketball tournament.