NAL Arena Footbal Announcement Tuesday [VIDEO]
Arena football is coming to Portland and the official announcement is coming on Tuesday.
The National Arena League has set a press conference for Tuesday afternoon at the Cross Insurance Arena to unveil plans to bring an expansion team to southern Maine.
The NAL was launched in 2016 and completed its first season earlier in the year with eight teams. Some teams are not coming back for a second year.
The league has announced a new franchise coming to Worcester, Massachusetts and Greensboro, North Carolina.
The press conference in Portland is scheduled for 1pm Tuesday.
The 2018 season will likely begin in April and run through July.
Arena football is played indoor and the field is 50 yards long, as opposed to a 100 yard NFL field.
Each team fields eight players on offense and eight players on defense.
Check out some highlights from the first NAL championship game...