Town of the Year 2021 – Quarterfinals (Open Until FRI, 7-23, 5pm)
The stage is set for the second act of a hectic week in Town of the Year 2021. The Round of 16 came to a finish this morning at 8 a.m. and these were the results:
1. Jonesport def. 16. Castine, 63%-37%
2. Bucksport def. 15. Brewer, 74.4%-25.6%
3. Belfast def. 14. Dover-Foxcroft, 63.37%-36.63%
4. Greenville def. 13. Orono, 78.43%-21.57%
6. Unity def. 11. Hampden, 57.49%-42.51%
7. Bar Harbor def. 10. Stonington, 55.89%-44.11%
12. Searsport def. 5. Bangor, 67.5%-32.5%
Now it's time to see which four towns will advance to the semifinals next week. And remember, The Drive will be broadcasting live from each of the remaining four towns next week MON-THU.
As has been the case, you can vote for your town once per day before the voting closes at 5 p.m. on Friday. The semifinalists will then be announced on The Drive. Get to voting!