Maine High School Track and Field Athletes Qualifying for New England’s
Congratulations to the following Maine High School Track and Field Athletes who have qualified to compete at the New England's on March 5th at the Reggie Lewis Center.
Shot Put
- Matt Charpentier - York
- Nicholas Connolly - Scarborough
- Amir Broadus - South Portland
- Gage Boudreau - Lawrence
- Tommy Gray - Cape Elizabeth
- Max MacCallum - Gray-New Gloucester
High Jump
- Cornin Flewelling - Old Town
- Nathan Paulauskas - Bucksport
- Drew Pierson - Ellsworth
- Connor Langstaff - Windham
- Caleb Janelle - Biddeford
- Stephen Pierre - Leavitt
Long Jump
- Colin Simpson - Bucksport
- Griffin Johnson - Kennebunk
- Carvil Turner - Old Town
- Jacob Adams - Fryeburg
- Nathaniel Smith - Mt. Ararat
- Robey Rose - Wells
55 Hurdles
- Jayden Flaker - Scarborough
- Nolan Gary - Poland
- Jabreel Muhammad-Aceto - Lewiston
- Tieran Croft - Messalonskee
- Ethan Kane - Bonny Eagle
- Andrew Griffiths - Cherverus
55 Dash
- Abdirizak Abukar - Lewiston
- Miles Burr - MDI
- Raimundo Lubota - Lewiston
- Carvil Turner - Old Town
- Griffin Johnson - Kennebunk
- Justin Corporon - North Yarmouth
300 Dash
- Andrew Farr - Gorham
- Miles Burr - MDI
- Abdirizak Abukar - Lewiston
- Jayden Flaker - Scarborough
- Frazier Dougherty - Yarmouth
- Raimundo Lubota - Lewiston
600 Dash
- Andrew Griffiths - Cheverus
- Ilios Millett - Westbrook
- Miles Gay - Falmouth
- Aidan Lovett - St. Dom's
1000 Run
- Zachary Barry - Scarborough
- Kaleb Corson - Sumner
- Charlie Collins - Hampden Academy
- Chris Walton - Biddeford
- Nathan Blades - Portland
- Jesse Cadigan - Cheverus
1 Mile Run
- Zachary Barry - Scarborough
- Charlie Collins - Hampden Academy
- Bryan Stark-Chessa - Waynflete
- Joey Valliere - Brunswick
- Jake Twigg - Poland
- Jacob Pelletier - Cony
2 Mile Run
- Grady Satterfield - Mt. Ararat
- William Hileman - Bucksport
- Abott Valentine - Hampden Academy
- Luke Cloutier - Massabesic
- Vaughn Lindenau - Cape Elizabeth
- Ian Meserve - Hermon
800 Relay
- Yarmouth
- Falmouth
- Marshwood
- Brunswick
- Mt. Ararat
- Poland
3200 Relay
- Portland
- Brunswick
- Lewiston
- St. Dom's
- Hermon
- Bonny Eagle
Shot Put
- Estella Iinman - Windham
- Chelsey Cote - Old Town
- Camden Lavoie - Bangor
- Vanesa Connolly - Portland
- Geneva Holmes - South Portland
- Emily Nhun - Biddeford
High Jump
- Liz Frazee - Belfast
- Emma Green - Gorham
- Nicole Salvadori - Messalonskee
- Sophie Turner - Kennebunk
- Kristen Kirk - Cony
- Autumn Gerry - St. Dom's
- Aydrianna Bowman - Lewiston
Long Jump
- Amelia Wedderburn - Lewiston
- Natasha Monreal - Bucksport
- Alyvia Caruson - Gorham
- Kaeden Green - Brunswick
- Mikaela Langston - Mt. Ararat
- Sophie Turner - Kennebunk
55 Hurdles
- Lexi Brent - York
- Alyvia Caruso - Gorham
- Mackenna Drouin - Edward Little
- Grace Willey - Old Twon
- Charlotte Williamson - York
- Paige Sawyer - Ellsworth
55 Dash
- Anna Connors - Bangor
- Caroline Fallona - Scarborough
- Emma Green - Gorham
- Sydney Connolly - Gorham
- Makenna Drouin - Edward Little
- Jenni Flynn - Lewiston
300 Dash
- Anna Connors - Bangor
- Elle Jowett - Greely
- Syndey Connolly - Gorham
- Amelia Wedderburn - Lewiston
- Caroline Fallona - Scarborough
- Julia Black - Scarborough
600 Dash
- Victoria Ladd - Kennebunk
- Elizabeth Forestiere - Bonny Eagle
- Macie Boucher - Thornton Academy
- Sherry Foster - John Bapst
1000 Run
- Mia-Clair Kezal - Thornton Academy
- Grace Kirk - Cony
- Hannah Stevens - Bonny Eagle
- Amelia VanDongen - MDI
- Abigail Roberts - Lake Region
- Emma Tessler - Marshwood
Mile Run
- Carey Drake - York
- Jaclyn Vandehoot - Thornton Academy
- Emmaline Pendleton - Bonny Eagle
- Eleanor Tyne - Orono
- Emma Young - Cape Elizabeth
- Ellie Brooks - Orono
2 Mile Run
- Megan Randall - Bangor
- Carey Drake - York
- Mia-Claire Kezal - Thornton Academy
- Samantha Moore - Portland
- Addy Thibodeau - Bonny Eagle
- Addie Fuller - Marshwood
800 Relay
- Gorham
- Scarborough
- Bonny Eagle
- Bangor
- Brunswick
3200 Relay
- Bonny Eagle
- Cony
- John Bapst
- Bangor
- Scarborough