The Maranacook Golf Team won the Class C State Golf Title at Natanis Golf Course in Vassalboro beating the Dexter Team which finished 3 strokes behind in 2nd place.
The Gardiner Tigers Golf Team son the State Class B Golf Title on Saturday, October 12 at Natanis Golf Course in Vassalboro. Leavitt's Jade Haylock won the individual Girl's Title for the 4th year in a row.
The Scarborough Golf Team won the 2024 Class A Maine High School Championships held on Friday, October 11th at Natanis Golf Course in Vassalboro. Bangor and Brewer were tied for 7th.
The Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference (KVAC) held their Team Qualifiers on Tuesday, October 8th at Natanis Golf Club in Vassalboro. Here are the Team results
The Hampden Academy Golf Team won the golf match with Presque Isle and MDI on Thursday, September 19th at Kebo Valley Golf Course in Bar Harbor. The Broncos had a team score of 180 while the Wildcats finished with a team score of 188 and the Trojans 224.